Transmission of HDMI data streams to HDMI/DVI monitors via Spartan 6 FPGA

Nancy Chauhan
5 min readJan 20, 2019


HDMI technology has become the global standard for the connection of high-definition equipments. More than 1,700 of the world’s largest consumer electronics, PC and mobile device manufacturers incorporate HDMI connectivity into their products as it delivers both high quality and unmatched ease of use. This project work aims to transmit High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) and Digital Visual Interface (DVI) data streams to HDMI and DVI capable monitors via Spartan 6 FPGA. The top-level design in this project work displays a simple coloured pattern.

Why should we use FPGA for Image/Video Processing?

Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is the most appropriate embedded platform for Video/Image Processing. Owing to the parallel architecture, an FPGA can perform high-speed video processing such that it could issue warnings timely and provide drivers a longer time to respond.

Compared to the CPU implementation, the FPGA video/image processing achieves about tens of times speedup for video-based driver assistance systems and other applications.


Hardware Requirements and Software Requirements

  1. Spartan 6 FPGA
  2. HDMI/DVI Monitor
  3. HDMI — DVI Cable (Required for DVI monitor)
  4. ISE 14.7 Webpapck Design Software

Let’s see working!

Driving DVI/HDMI Capable Monitors to display Coloured bar Pattern


For implementing the Project, a new ISE WebPack project is created, and all Verilog and VHDL files are added from

These files, together with other useful files (such as the . ucf file) are included. Then the Project is synthesized and implemented. Bitstream file is downloaded to the FPGA board and tested.

To test the design, we need to attach a monitor to the HDMI OUT (J2) port of the Atlys board. An HDMI monitor can be connected directly using an HDMI cable. To join a DVI monitor, we need an HDMI to DVI converter.


We see the Monitor display the colored pattern, as shown in Figure12. The Monitor shows the default colored pattern without any change in switching configurations. When there is HDMI signal output in HDMI OUT port, LEDs( LD8, LD9, LD10, LD11, LD12, LD13) lights up.

Using three DIP switches on the board (SW0, SW1, and SW3), the user can switch among different screen modes. Following test pattern are observed (shown in Figure) by selecting the following switches which display 720p frames configurations :

1) sw1 = 1, sw0 = 0

2) sw2=1, sw1=0, sw0=0

Following the test, the pattern is observed (shown in Figure) by selecting the following switches which:

  1. sw2=0, sw1 = 0, sw0 =1

What’s happening behind ???

Structure of the Project?

The project work mainly consists of three Parts. Also, this ISE WebPack project uses both VHDL and Verilog source files.

Reference : Implementing a TMDS Video Interface in the Spartan-6 FPGA — Xilinx

  1. Top-level design file — vtc_demo.v
  2. DVI Encoder file — dvi_encoder_top.v
  3. EDID File — edid_rom.vhd

The code:

Problems Encountered?

While working on Project work, a referring project developed by Bob Feng of Xilinx, Implementing a TMDS Video Interface in the Spartan-6 FPGA — Xilinx the following errors are encountered with the Verilog project:

  • Mixing of blocking/non-blocking assignments:

While the Synthesis of the Verilog Project, the translation process is not followed due to the Mixing of Blocking/non-blocking assignment error in the Verilog code. This error occurs due to bugs in code.

  • In Spartan-6 FPGA, the BUFIO2 using the DIVIDE(2) applications occasionally enter a stuck state.
  • When the bit file is burned and Connected to the DVI Display error message comes on Monitor Screen, as shown in Figure. It depicts that the Monitor is unable to recognize the Video Mode Information send by Programmed FPGA

Improved Design ??

The Bob Feng of Xilinx design does the bare minimum to demonstrate the HDMI receiver/transmitter concept. It fails to work most of the time due to EDID issues and is not entirely compatible with modern versions of Xilinx ISE.

  1. Fixed mixing of blocking/non-blocking assignments

I have fixed this error by doing changes in code, as shown in line 236 of code (shown in the Figure). Here non-blocking assignment has to be used because it allows us to schedule assignments without blocking the procedural flow. The relational operator is changed to remove this error

2. Fixed the BUFIO2 divide error

I observed this error occurred since this setting is not supported, and BUF102 is not compatible with later versions of ISE. To rectify the problem, rather than using BUFIO2 to divide the 100 MHz system clock by 2 in Verilog code, I have used a DCM (Digital Clock Manager) to generate the 50 MHz signal

3. Implementation of EDID ROM for both HDMI input

EDID data exchange is a standardized means for a display to communicate its capabilities to a source device. The premise of this communications is for the display to relay its operational characteristics, such as its native resolution, to the attached source, and then allow the source to generate the necessary video characteristics to match the needs of the display. This maximizes the functional compatibility between devices without requiring a user to configure them manually, thus reducing the potential for incorrect settings and adjustments that could compromise the quality of the displayed images and overall reliability of the system. The base EDID information of a display is conveyed within a 128-byte data structure that contains pertinent manufacturer and operation-related data.

What to do next ??

Transmission of HDMI data streams to HDMI/DVI monitors via Spartan 6 FPGA was successfully achieved. HDMI Transmitter is implemented, to validate if the TMDS I/O in the Spartan-6 FPGA can transmit video across different screen modes, a color bar generator builts to work with a dynamically configurable pixel clock.

Further, in future various Image/Video processing algorithms can be implemented and observed.



Nancy Chauhan
Nancy Chauhan

Written by Nancy Chauhan

Hi, I am Nancy Chauhan. I like hacking through software engineering problems. I break down complicated concepts into easier tech blogs.

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